Transformative nutrition and training so you can achieve your best version.

Nutrition Plan

Nutrition is the cornerstone to changing your physique. We will provide you with the recipe for realising your ambition. You will follow a precise formula, all the while enjoying delicious, satiating meals.

Custom-built diet plan

Macronutrient-calculated diet plan complete with tips and tricks on how to organize, prepare and cook your meals.

Access via app

Access to your own profile on the app so you have everything to hand and can view recipes anytime, anywhere.

Unlimited Support

Support available via Whatsapp Mon-Sat for any diet-related questions.

Weekly Weigh-In

Weight check-ins every week to keep you on track and adjust if necessary.

Monthly Review

30-minute video call each month to assess progress . If any adjustments are required, we can modify the plan.

Body-fat Measurement

Optionally, you can come to the studio in Palma, Mallorca for your monthly review and we will take anthropometric measurements.

Supplement Recommendations

Beyond nutrition, we can advise on any supplements (not obligatory).

Track Progress

View your progress via photos and weight tracking on the app.

Strength Training Routine

A significant number of gymgoers who train regularly fail to see meaningful results over the long term. Your tailored training routine will give you the method to master. You can receive personal feedback on how to improve movements based on your own particular biomechanics.

Training Plan Unique to You

A detailed strength training routine built according to your goals and current fitness level.

Online Coaching

Submit recordings and receive analysis and feedback to perfect your technique on each exercise if desired.

Access via app

Full breakdown of your routines with exercises, number of sets, repetitions and rest time.

Unlimited Support

Support available via Whatsapp Mon-Sat to answer any workout-related questions.

Weekly Weigh-In

Weekly weigh-ins via Whatsapp to motivate and make any adjustments if needed.

Monthly Review

30-minute video call each month to assess progress and adjust if required.

3 Months

Initial Programme Phase

Our comprehensive programme, ideal for those seeking the most effective way to implement change and see results.

€149,99 /month

3 Month Commitment


Continuing The Programme

We want to celebrate your continued progress. Upon completing your first three months, you will have access to a reduced rate. The longer you advance with the programme, the more second-nature it will become and you won’t recognise your former self!

€119,99 /month

No Commitment

What Is The Sign Up Process Like?

Step 1

Step 1

Schedule a Free Call

Schedule a free, no-obligation 30-minute call. We will also walk you through the programme and explore your fitness goals. You can ask as many questions as you like throughout.

Step 2

Step 2

Post-call Information

After our call, we will send you:

  • A secure payment link.
  • A self-assessment questionnaire.
Step 3

Step 3

Sign Up

If you would like to move forward with the programme, there are two steps.

  1. Submit your self-assessment questionnaire.
  2. Select your preferred payment method and set up a direct debit.
Step 4

Step 4

Get Started

Once the payment is made and your questionnaire has been submitted, we will get straight to work crafting your programme.

You will receive access to the app complete with all of your plans within three working days.