You will not have to count calories whatsoever. We painstakingly calculate all of your daily macronutrient requirements, making sure that the ingredients included also provide you with the necessary vitamins and minerals. What you will need to do, however, is to weigh your ingredients when preparing meals as instructed, particularly at the beginning of the programme. We will design the menus for you, calculate the exact calories needed for each meal and provide you with the recipes.
It is highly recommended to weigh food, particularly at the beginning. Why?
- Weighing your meals will help you to recognise and understand patterns in your eating habits. For example, you may notice that you tend to consume more calories at certain times of the day or not enough calories at other key times, such as after physical activity.
- Weighing your food will make you aware of how much you are eating.
- You will gain an understanding of the calorie content of the different dishes and ingredients.
- It informs you about portion sizes and their energy value, which can help you make healthier choices or control the quantity of certain ingredients.
Precise weighing won’t necessarily always be required once you get used to it. During the first months of the programme, however, it acts as a constant allowing us to evaluate your progress and make the necessary adjustments.
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