
General Questions

Why choose Nutri Plan Pro over others?2024-02-18T22:18:13+01:00

Precision-calculated meals
Personal focus on getting you to your goal. No copy-paste programmes or rough guidance, we provide an exact blueprint.

Variety of delicious recipes
For any change to become sustainable, you must enjoy the process so we use the foods you love.

Training that works for you
We combine exercises that will get results for you. Video coaching with you as the protagonist.

We will make weekly and monthly evaluations. If adjustments are required, we can change your plan.

Unlimited support
We will be alongside you throughout the programme, we don’t just share some send you on your way.

Powerful app
You will have all of your resources at your fingertips. Very easy to navigate with a shallow learning curve.

A passionate fitness coach
Andrea lives and breathes the essence of fitness. Over the years on her own journey, she has experienced countless approaches to gaining muscle mass and losing fat through diet and training. She has repeatedly gone through the different phases of competition preparation in the world of Bikini Fitness. She studied sports nutrition and through practice has learned which methods work best to achieve the desired physical changes in a healthy and balanced way.

How do I sign up?2024-02-05T21:51:05+01:00

Since every programme we create is bespoke to each member, the first step is for us to connect on a brief, one-to-one call. We will walk through the programme and explore your fitness goals. If you have any questions we would be delighted to answer them.

If you would like to move forward after the call, we will send you over a secure link so you can set up your preferred payment method.

We will also send over an Onboarding Questionnaire for you to submit. We utilise the details that you share, in addition to details from our call, to personalise your programme around you.

As soon as we receive your questionnaire and payment method, we will create your tailored programme and you will receive your plan within three working days.

Programme Information

How often will I have to weigh myself?2024-02-16T18:08:21+01:00

Your weight can fluctuate a lot. There are many factors that can influence your weight, especially for women due to our hormones. You should not obsess over the number you see on the scale. What does matter is your body composition.
Let’s imagine you weigh 70kg. X months later, you weigh the same – or even more – yet you look better. Our main goal is to improve your body composition, but we will track your weight on a weekly basis. This gives us a quick and easy metric to see how your body is reacting to changes.

How can I access my plans?2024-02-16T16:27:12+01:00

Once your plans are ready, we will share instructions on how to log in to the app. Here you will find all of your meals, your training routine and guidance. You will also find a page where you can upload data related to your weight and body measurements. You can leave comments and post questions on any item. The app is powerful yet very simple to use and understand.

How will you evaluate progress during the programme?2024-02-16T17:33:00+01:00

Commencing the programme, you will need to fill in a form with some basic body measurements and your current weight. We will also need you to take some starting pictures. This will be a visual record of your starting point. You will find instructions on how to take the measurements and photos correctly on the questionnaire. Every week, we will do an online check-in to see how things are going and to take note of your weight. Monthly, we will analyse your progress over a 30 minute video call.

What makes my programme personalised?2024-02-16T20:01:01+01:00

Our philosophy is centred around understanding you. During our call, via the onboarding questionnaire and throughout the programme, we will build a wealth of intelligence on your health and preferences. This allows us to design and adapt your plans in a way that will allow us to bring out the best version of you.

For the nutritional plan we will take into account several factors to calculate your caloric needs and distribution. We will also consider your daily habits, physical activity and preferences when creating delicious recipes. One of the keys to making a lifestyle change and achieving sustainable results is to make the process enjoyable and natural.

In the case of the strength training plan, we will analyse your current fitness level, your goal, your weight training experience, your time available to train and any injuries or limitations you have.

Will I have to count calories?2024-02-16T22:29:25+01:00

You will not have to count calories whatsoever. We painstakingly calculate all of your daily macronutrient requirements, making sure that the ingredients included also provide you with the necessary vitamins and minerals. What you will need to do, however, is to weigh your ingredients when preparing meals as instructed, particularly at the beginning of the programme. We will design the menus for you, calculate the exact calories needed for each meal and provide you with the recipes.

It is highly recommended to weigh food, particularly at the beginning. Why?

  • Weighing your meals will help you to recognise and understand patterns in your eating habits. For example, you may notice that you tend to consume more calories at certain times of the day or not enough calories at other key times, such as after physical activity.
  • Weighing your food will make you aware of how much you are eating.
  • You will gain an understanding of the calorie content of the different dishes and ingredients.
  • It informs you about portion sizes and their energy value, which can help you make healthier choices or control the quantity of certain ingredients.

Precise weighing won’t necessarily always be required once you get used to it. During the first months of the programme, however, it acts as a constant allowing us to evaluate your progress and make the necessary adjustments.

Is the programme online or do I need to visit you physically?2024-02-16T22:49:01+01:00

This is an online programme though we take a hybrid approach. You will have access to all of your resources via the app. We will connect as much as you need for support and will hold weekly check-ins and monthly reviews. We prioritise 1:1 contact in a way that is most efficient and comfortable for you. If you should like to arrange an in-person appointment for your monthly review (instead of the video call), we would be thrilled to host you on-site in Palma.

How do we communicate during the programme?2024-02-16T22:54:43+01:00

We will maintain regular contact throughout the programme. We are available for you as much as necessary to resolve any queries and to make sure you feel supported and encouraged. We do not limit you to a specific number of messages. We can stay in touch via Whatsapp or email and we will get back to you within 24 hours (except Sundays).

In addition to support, we will hold weekly check-ins where we monitor your weight and monthly reviews to evaluate your progress and make any adjustments should they be necessary. The monthly reviews will be carried out via video call.

Can I do just nutrition or training only?2024-02-17T00:00:07+01:00

Nutri Plan Pro offers only one fitness programme, which includes nutrition, strength training and online coaching. We require full commitment from our members. In return, we will set you on a path where you won’t recognise yourself when you first started. By focusing only on your training, some dietary advice or by approaching fitness in a half-hearted manner, we would not be able to offer such transformations.

What do I need to be able to do the programme?2024-02-17T19:51:42+01:00
  1. A clear goal. Steadfast commitment. Consistency.
  2. A scale that is well calibrated to be able to monitor the evolution of your weight.
  3. A kitchen scale so that you can understand the importance of macronutrient amounts and learn portion control.
  4. Tape measure (flexible) to take certain body measurements.
  5. A computer or mobile device to be able to make video calls during the monthly revision.
Is there a minimum commitment for the programme?2024-02-17T20:08:05+01:00

Yes, there is an initial three-month commitment when you start the programme. We want you to commit fully to your journey. To see real change and achieve long-lasting results, consistency is key. Three months provides enough time to consistently apply new habits and routines, allowing them to become part of daily life. If you decide to renew after three month, you will have access to a reduced monthly fee and you can cancel your subscription at any time providing 7 days’ notice before the renewal date.

Can I book a single consultation or express programme?2024-02-14T22:07:53+01:00

Our philosophy centres on helping you to make a meaningful, long-term change. Since achieving sustainable results in a healthy way requires time, dedication and consistency, the programme has a minimum duration of three months. We do not offer single consultations at varying intervals.

Do I need a nutrition and strength training plan?2024-02-17T22:31:36+01:00

It can be a daunting task to try and digest all of the information you can find in the world of fitness. There is a disturbing amount of disinformation that spreads like wildfire online and across social media. Having a professional by your side to personally guide you and keep you on track is fundamental to realising your fitness ambitions and making a lasting change in your life.

How much does the programme cost?2024-02-14T22:00:48+01:00

The programme costs €149,99 monthly. The initial programme runs for three months. Payment is taken monthly via direct debit. Renewal at the end of the term is not automatic or required. Upon completing the first phase (month three), there is no penalty for leaving the programme therein.

We want to help you celebrate your continued success and for you to gain momentum. From the fourth month onwards, you will have access to a reduced rate of €119,99 per month. From month four, we will set up a new direct debit which renews monthly. Should you wish to leave the programme, you simply need to submit written notification to info@nutriplanpro.com seven (7) calendar days prior to your next renewal.

In summary:

  • €149,99 monthly in the first three months, reducing to €119,99 monthly from month four.
  • 3 months minimum contract.
  • Leave anytime without penalty from month 4, providing 7 days’ notice prior to next renewal date.
  • Paid via securely direct debit.
Who is the programme for?2024-02-17T23:02:27+01:00

There is no prototypical Nutri Plan Pro member. Rather, those who are a perfect fit for the programme share similar values and goals. They are:

  • Women that believe in better and want to live a better life, gaining mental and physical strength.
  • Women that have a goal. That goal might range from gaining weight, reducing your fat percentage, gaining confidence, retaking control of your life, having everything mapped out. The key is that you have a clear picture of what you want and know what you are working towards.
  • Women that are willing and able to commit to change. This is a long-term process and is not for those that cannot follow instructions or make a habit stick for longer than a week.
  • Women of a wide range of ages want to learn and improve their health.
  • Women that are willing to go to the gym and prioritise resistance training over endless hours of cardio.
What is included in the programme?2024-02-17T23:35:54+01:00

The programme will provide you with a roadmap to the body of your dreams. You will have access to:

  • A meal plan that is precisely calculated to you
  • A training plan built around you
  • Exercise analysis and online coaching
  • App access
  • Unlimited guidance, support and encouragement
  • Weekly check ins (WhatsApp)
  • Monthly reviews (Video Appointment)
  • Supplementation suggestions
  • Progress tracking from the start of your journey